Casinos & Gaming Key Management

Every business practice has different definitions and requirements for security and protection, such as campuses, government agencies, hospitals, prisons, etc. Any attempt to avoid specific industries to discuss safety and protection is meaningless. Among many industries, the gaming industry may be the most strictly regulated industry, and it also has the most internal areas that require key control and management.
Key control and key management system is the best solution for casinos and gaming facilities to secure mechanical keys, access cards and other valuable items.

Keys placed in a key control cabinet are secured with special, tamper-proof stainless steel key locking rings for security and functionality. Different colors of the fobs allow the keys to be organized by group and illuminated key slots also make the process of finding and returning keys faster and easier. Keys stored in key cabinets can be accessed only by authorized individuals with an approved user PIN code, an access identification card or a pre-registered biometric fingerprint.

A critical point of compliance to gaming regulations is key control and key management. “Knowing who took which key and when” is fundamental to a key control and security strategy for any casino or gaming facility.

Casino security can add key control systems to secure and restrict access to keys that are used to open cash drawers or cabinets used for storing chips, game cards, dice and other items.

Many of the most sensitive and high-security items and areas of a casino, such as counting rooms and drop boxes, are accessed and secured by physical keys.

Using the Landwell key management solution, the wait for employees to get one key will decreased to less than 10 seconds. All access activity is automatically recorded including date, time, table game number, reason for access and signature or electronic signature.

key management systems feature software that enables the user to set up all these and many other types of custom reports, which can run and be delivered automatically to management on a regular basis. The robust reporting system will also greatly assist the casino in tracking and improving processes, assure employee honesty and minimize security risks. Auditors can be given access only to print reports, without access to key sets.

When keys are overdue, alerts are sent to the appropriate personnel via email or SMS text so that immediate action may be taken. Activity may also be monitored via mobile devices.

Key management systems for other casinos, depending upon their individual needs, can be integrated with other security systems such as access control and video management systems, which provides even greater accountability.

Usage reports generated by a key management system provide valuable information for auditing or forensic purposes. Requested reports can trace key movements by time, date and user code as well as audit reports that track keys in use, overdue keys and inconsistent key usage. Reports can be generated as needed for emergency situations as well as being regularly scheduled.

Additionally, robust SMS text messaging and emailing allows for the key set user or select management to automatically receive alerts when specified key sets are removed and/or returned, along with select alarm notifications.

Key management systems in a casino environment can also be set up with customized rules to meet the three-man regulation for sensitive or restricted key sets—usually a drop team member, cage cashier, and security officer. The system can be configured to recognize these sets of keys, and only allow access to them if the three required logins are completed. Additionally, notifications can be set up to alert security personnel via text and email if these keys are being requested, to keep management apprised of when certain keys have been removed or replaced.

Post time: Aug-15-2022